MOVIKIT® Software Modules for MOVI-C® Automation Solutions

MOVIKIT® stands for ready-to-use software modules that are used for simple drive functions through to complex MotionControl functions. Our goal – your benefits: Shorten the startup time considerably for you by providing configurable automation and MotionControl functions.

The modules in detail

MOVIKIT® software modules are preconfigured software modules for implementing simple drive functions, such as speed control and positioning, through to complex MotionControl functions, such as camming and robot control. The software modules are operated on the real-time operating system of the MOVI-C® CONTROLLER (or on the MOVIDRIVE® application inverter when using MOVIKIT® software modules of the category "Drive"). The software modules are divided into the following categories:

Your benefits

  • Graphical configuration and diagnostics

    saves a considerable amount of time
  • Parameter setting instead of programming

    saves time and money
  • Faster startup

    via standardized software modules

Configure your customized product

  • Detailed information about your customized product
  • CAD data and documentation for your configuration
Configure product now

With MOVIKIT®, it's straightforward to move from simple to demanding

Opened laptop in front of a gray background
MOVIKIT® simplifies complex processes

Parameterizing instead of programming: The MOVIKIT® software modules are started up easily with a graphic configuration and diagnosis. Our offering of standardized software modules ranges from simple drive functions, such as speed control and positioning through to complex motion sequences, motion control functions, such as camming and robotics. However, if the application requires, the MOVIKIT® software modules can of course also be programmed freely.

The MOVIKIT® software modules are ideally coordinated with the control technology of the MOVI-C® CONTROLLERs. With the MOVISUITE® engineering software, you can assign the corresponding MOVIKIT® software module directly to an axis or the controller and configure it using graphic wizards and editors. In this way, you have access to all the relevant parameters in a parameterization interface, from the motor startup through to the software settings. You can integrate MOVIKIT® into the IEC user program at the click of a button, using the automatic IEC code generation function. As you can see, you can achieve this step easily and quickly too with MOVIKIT®. You can control the software modules from the IEC user program thanks to a standardized, intuitive interface. Every MOVIKIT® software module possesses both a conventional variable interface and also an object-oriented interface for implementing modern software architectures.

The modules in detail

MOVIKIT® Robotics

MOVIKIT® Robotics is the basic software for controlling a robot. MOVIKIT® Robotics provides a wide range of parameterization models (e.g. definition of the dimensions).

  • Operation via MOVISUITE® RobotMonitor or the IEC program
  • Integrated, automatic 3D simulation of the robot and its paths in the MOVISUITE® RobotMonitor
  • Predefined kinematic models with 2 joint axes of the following types: Gantry robot, delta robot, SCARA, mixed designs
  • Manual mode (jog, program) and automatic mode (program)
  • Jog mode joint axes/Cartesian
  • Override function
  • Tool transformation
  • Robot programming with the SEW Robot Language (SRL) and a teach-in function
  • Storage of 20 programs with several hundred motion commands per program
  • Step mode (set, movement)
  • Linear interpolation with jerk-limited blending
  • Explicit coordination or variable poses
  • Variables of the types BOOL, REAL, and POSE can be read and written in IEC
  • Control structures (IF, WHILE)
  • CallFunctions for the synchronized performance of IEC code

MOVIKIT® Robotics is a single license for one robot.

MOVIKIT® Robotics add-on MediumModels

The MOVIKIT® Robotics add-on MediumModels extends the scope of functions of MOVIKIT® Robotics with the option of configuring kinematic models with 3 or 4 joint axes. MOVIKIT® Robotics includes kinematic models of the following types: Gantry robots, roller gantries, delta robots, tripods, SCARA, and mixed designs.

The MOVIKIT® Robotics add-on MediumModels also contains the suitable 3D models in the MOVISUITE® RobotMonitor.

The MOVIKIT® Robotics add-on is a single license for one robot.

MOVIKIT® MultiMotion

A round arrow surrounds a horizontal double arrow
The MOVIKIT® MultiMotion module
  • MOVIKIT® MultiMotion is a software module with universal motion functionality.
  • Interpolated operating modes for speed control, positioning, and tracking
  • Graphical configuration and diagnostics
  • Touchprobe function
  • Overlaying of different motion profiles
  • In the programming environment, both a structured variable interface and
  • an object-oriented program interface (OOP interface) are available

MOVIKIT® MultiMotion Auxiliary Velocity

MOVIKIT® MultiMotion Auxiliary Velocity is a software module for non-interpolating axes for configuring speed and torque controls. MOVIKIT® MultiMotion Auxiliary Velocity is suitable for controlling auxiliary axes in simple applications (e.g. conveyor belts).

  • Is used for non-interpolating axes
  • Configuration of speed control
  • Configuration of torque control

MOVIKIT® MultiMotion Auxiliary Velocity is included in the MOVIRUN® flexible license.

MOVIKIT® MultiMotion Auxiliary Positioning

MOVIKIT® MultiMotion Positioning is a software module for non-interpolating axes for configuring positioning as well as speed and torque control. MOVIKIT® MultiMotion Positioning is suitable for controlling auxiliary axes (e.g. conveyor belts)

  • Is used for non-interpolating axes
  • Configuration of speed control
  • Configuration of torque control
  • Configuration of positioning
  • Referencing

MOVIKIT® MultiMotion Positioning is included in the MOVIRUN® flexible license.

MOVIKIT® MultiMotion Camming

An electronic cam icon surrounded by a round circle with arrow
The MOVIKIT® MultiMotion Camming module

MOVIKIT® MultiMotion Camming includes the entirety of MOVIKIT® MultiMotion plus an electronic cam function.

  • Calculate and import curves online
  • Import curve point tables
  • Import curve descriptions via MOVISUITE® CamEditor

One focal point in the development of the MOVIKIT® software modules was coordinated and synchronized motions. In this way, we can offer you functions such as interpolated speed control, positioning, and tracking, as well as touchprobe and electronic cam functionality. For example, for applications in packing machines with electronic cams, cross cutters, or flying saws.

MOVIKIT® Motion add-on PositionController

The MOVIKIT® Motion add-on PositionController extends the scope of functions of a MOVIKIT® software module (e.g. MultiMotion) with central position control and conventional encoder evaluation.

The MOVIKIT® Motion add-on PositionController is a performance license and is valid for a MOVI-C CONTROLLER®.

MOVIKIT® Motion add-on FeedbackEvaluation

The MOVIKIT® Motion add-on FeedbackEvaluation extends the scope of functions of a MOVIKIT® software module (e.g. MultiMotion) with an optimized encoder evaluation. This optimized encoder evaluation allows for combining a high-resolution motor encoder with a distance encoder that has a lower resolution and is subject to dead time. The distance encoder with a lower resolution reliably ensures the reference to the machine even in the event of a non-positive connection between the motor and the machine. The MOVIKIT® Motion add-on FeedbackEvaluation generates a machine-related, high-resolution encoder signal that can be used dynamically.

The MOVIKIT® Motion add-on FeedbackEvaluation is a performance license and is valid for a MOVI-C® CONTROLLER.

MOVIKIT® Motion add-on AntiSway – in preparation

MOVIKIT® Motion add-on AntiSway extends the scope of functions of a MOVIKIT® software module (e. g. MultiMotion or MultiAxisController) by the function for suppressing vibrations in the drive train. This means that vibrations with a dominant resonant frequency can be suppressed. Even variable resonant frequencies can be suppressed in certain operating modes of the MOVIKIT® Motion add-on AntiSway.

The MOVIKIT® Motion add-on AntiSway is a performance license and is valid for a MOVI-C® CONTROLLER.

MOVIKIT® MultiAxisController

MOVIKIT® MultiAxisController offers users the option of implementing mechanically coupled drives (from loose to rigid coupling) by means of the software module. It is possible to switch flexibly between the adjustment of a skew or a torque of two drives.

MOVIKIT® MultiAxisController offers an extended scope of functions compared to position-synchronous master-slave operation and replaces the conventional master-torque-slave operation.

The following functions are available both in "Torque priority" and "Skew priority" operating modes:

  • Central control, homing, limit switch evaluation, and error handling of the axis group
  • Central position control (slip compensation by means of a distance encoder is also possible)
  • A virtual master is used in the relative and absolute positioning, velocity control, and tracking modes (MOVIKIT® MultiMotion)
  • Camming mode: The axis group follows a master signal in synchronization with a curve.

MOVIKIT® MultiAxisController is a single license and is valid for one axis group.

MOVIKIT® MultiAxisController add-on FourAxes

MOVIKIT® MultiAxisController add-on FourAxes extends the scope of functions of MOVIKIT® MultiAxisController with the option of controlling up to 4 drives. Applications for the function are as follows: Fail-safe redundant drive systems, slippery/poor travel surfaces, and indexing tables.

MOVIKIT® MultiAxisController add-on FourAxes is a single license and is valid for one axis group.

MOVIKIT® MultiAxisController add-on Cascade

MOVIKIT® MultiAxisController add-on Cascade extends the scope of functions of MOVIKIT® MultiAxisController with the option of operating several axis groups in a cascade (nesting). Cascading is required, for example, if each side of a gantry crane is equipped with 2 drives. In this case, each side of the gantry crane must be operated in the "Torque priority" operating mode and, on the higher level, both sides must be operated in the "Skew priority" operating mode.

MOVIKIT® MultiAxisController add-on Cascade is a single license and is valid for one axis group. In the described example, a license is required for MOVIKIT® MultiAxisController.


OPC UA logo
OPC UA: Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture

Based on the OPC UA® communication protocol, the MOVIKIT® software module OPC UA makes it possible for you to visualize and integrate components. For this purpose, our MOVI-C® CONTROLLER UHX65 provides an OPC UA® server.

With the help of this server, you can integrate external devices such as HMI panels, augmented reality glasses, smartphones, tablets, etc., for visualization purposes. The only requirement is that the respective external device must have an OPC UA® client and so support the OPC UA® protocol.

  • Availability: With MOVISUITE® V2.10
  • License: Performance license
  • System requirements:
    • MOVI-C® CONTROLLER performance category UHX65A
    • MOVIRUN® flexible
  • Order information: SMK1501-060 (UHX65A)

Man with augmented reality glasses
In AR, OPC UA® offers greater data transparency

Augmented reality delivers service benefits for customers

Even today, augmented reality can already be used in real industrial applications. In combination with the OPC-UA® communication interface, it provides immense advantages especially for service tasks.

Having all the necessary information available is crucial especially for startup, repair work, or the optimization of complex machines. Providing this data online via the OPC-UA® communication protocol is a modern option to assist these tasks, and to ensure data transparency.

Your benefits

  • Quick access to data

    You have direct access to all sensor and actuator data of the MOVI-C® CONTROLLER UHX65.
  • Open and flexible

    The solution can be used with all devices from the CODESYS environment (ARTI interface) without any limitations.
  • Quick integration

    You no longer need to enter variables into the fieldbus telegram (such as Modbus TCP) or save them onto the HMI device.
  • Easy handling

    A direct connection between the HMI device and the MOVI-C® CONTROLLER allows for a straightforward architecture.
Find out more

Simplify with the MOVIKIT® software modules

Control applications more easily with MOVIRUN® and MOVIKIT®


Awarded 2nd place in the Handling Award 2019

Prize-winning MOVIKIT® Robotics software module

In the Handling Award 2019, the MOVIKIT® Robotics software module won second place in the "Robotics – Systems and Periphery" category.

Want to know more?

You can find out more about the award here.